Tuesday, June 26, 2012

America The Beautiful

       Today was the first day on our trip back to California.  We had an amazing day filled with sights and travel across the amazing country.
       Our first stop was at the Badlands.  This was actually a suggestion by Lori's brother Don who is caravanning with us.  I did not know what to expect and both Lori and I were blown away with the beauty of this area.  The formations were breathtaking and the scenery was just spectacular. We spent some time at one of the visitor centers where James and I were able to climb one of the formations.  This gave me a great opportunity to put my science teacher hat on and show James the power of erosion and how the various rocks weathered at a different rate.  If I was still teaching 6th grade I could write it off as an educational trip.

         At the end of the loop in the Badlands, we ended up in Wall, SD.  This is famous for a drug store and the millions of signs they have placed on the freeway.  We met up with Lori's sister who was at the reunion and we all had lunch and some souvenir shopping.  There was also a Harley Davidson shop in town so we had to get the boys their first Harley shirts.
        From Wall we traveled to Mount Rushmore.  I remember going to this monument when I was a teenager and it is just as spectacular as it was back then.  The best part was that James was very excited to see this monument and when given a choice to go to the gift shop or the book store, he chose the book store.  He got a fun book to read on the ride to Gillette, Wyoming.
On the drive to our hotel in Gillette we experienced a mid-west thunder and lightning storm with torrential rain for about 50 miles.

Tomorrow we are on our way to Yellowstone Park where we are staying for a couple of days.

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